Saturday, July 4, 2015

Book Review - Going Viral, By Dustin Stevens

Happy 4th of July to all my American readers!  I know that I said that I would be getting more done on here while I was on vacation, but I have been slacking.  I think the idea of doing nothing has been far too appealing. I plan to catch up, but who knows what will happen.  For me vacations mean slacker time. (Well save for the massive amounts of laundry I have been getting caught up on.)

And for your reading enjoyment...


Three years ago, Charles Doyle was an average American millennial. At twenty-eight years old he was content to still live in the bedroom he grew up in, working as a manager at the fast food chain he first joined in high school. Upon the death of his father, Charles realizes there might be something more for him out there and decides to try his hand at the potential of social media for introducing himself to the masses.

Starting as a web series of self-exploration, Charles soon finds himself seduced by the allure of faceless followers. What began as a first cigar or shot of whiskey soon escalates much faster, an entire new persona developing.

Told after the fact, Going Viral follows first-person insight into the mind of a man that in just six short months manages to go from an anonymous face in suburban America to internet novelty to ultimately death row inmate Chaz D.


Book Title: Going Viral

Author: Dustin Stevens

I received this book in exchange for an honest review.

So I had no expectations going into this book.  It is not my normal read, but that didn't stop me from devouring it.  It was an excellent book and I am very glad that I agreed to read it.

The characters were well thought out.  I started out liking them all but as the book went on I started to change how I felt about Charles, Chaz D.  As he moved forward with his whole video for each thing he does, I start to dislike him, a lot.  It says a lot when you can connect enough with a character and then start to dislike that character.  That is a well written characters.

This book definitely speaks about how our current society is acting.  Everything is online, out there for everyone to see and for some reason as soon as one video is posted, the next has to be more over the top, more extreme.  You see all of this in the book.  As we go from one video to the next, things progress until  you get to the ending, the actions that lead Chaz D. to end up on death row.

This book is a definite read for everyone! 

Pros: Well developed, thought out, clear.

Cons: none

Overall rating: Definitely would recommend this one

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